At Stoneage Décor, we gather information from our customers for a purpose. Our aim is to ensure that each time you engage with us, whether it's in-store or online, you have an exceptional experience.

What kind of information do we collect? Typically, this includes basic details like your name, delivery address, or contact information. Additionally, it encompasses any data we gather during your interactions with our stores, website, or apps. These details facilitate smooth transactions, enable us to tailor our advertising to your preferences, and enhance your shopping experience. Occasionally, we might also share this information with our parent companies.

However, one thing we absolutely won't do with your data is inundate your inbox with irrelevant or unwanted spam, nor will we ever sell your data to third parties. That's a promise we stand by.

Now, here's the official statement: safeguarding your personal information is our top priority.

Furthermore, you have rights regarding your data. If you wish to access your information or provide feedback on how we handle your personal data, please feel free to email us at

At Stoneage Décor, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and personal information. We collect, store, use, and disclose personal data to support our business operations, including providing products and services to you. This policy outlines how we collect, store, use, and disclose your personal information, as well as the controls you have over it and our utilization of it.